Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Your Values Determine Your Reality

Some of you believe that having a large sum of money will become a burdensome responsibility and tie you down. Not being able to pay your bills and worrying about money are also burdens, and can tie you down. You will not be tied down by money unless you believe you will be and set it up so that you are. What you believe is what you create. If you believe that a large sum of money is a burden, it would be good to change that belief before you make a lot of money, or you will experience the money as a burden and a responsibility. If you have asked for a lot of money and don't yet have it, your higher self may be helping you change some of your negative beliefs about having money before it brings you what you have asked for.

Your beliefs about money determine how you attract it, spend it, and relate to it. Do you believe it is possible to make money doing what you love to do? Or do you believe that making money requires hard work and struggle? If there is something you want and you do not yet have it, you may have a belief that is keeping you from having it. Within every belief you are living out there is the seed of the opposite belief that you haven't yet manifested. Within the belief that you don't deserve money lies its opposite - the belief that you DO deserve money. As you take your attention away from the negative belief and begin activating the positive one, you change what you experience.

You may find that some of your limited thinking comes from your parental programming or beliefs. Most of your thoughts, pictures, and concepts were planted at a very early age by the words, beliefs, and unspoken messages of your parents and others you were around. Recognize the beliefs you acquired from your parents, and consciously decide if you want to keep them. Forgive your parents for any beliefs they may have taught you that you no longer want. Realize that they did the best they knew how. In some way those beliefs were perfect for you to have earlier in your life, leading you to the appropriate lessons and growth you needed to achieve more of your potential. You can release any of those old programs and beliefs that no longer serve you, choosing your own operating principles. You can choose what beliefs, thoughts, concepts, and images you want.

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